If you’re looking to perfect your natural smile, composite bonding may be the ideal cost-effective solution for you.
Composite bonding uses an acrylic, high-end composite material to correct dental imperfections by building on and enhancing your natural teeth.
The Composite Bonding Procedure
We offer two types of composite bonding here; Edge Bonding & Composite Veneers. You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your options with the dentist before treatment begins to understand what’s best for you.
Composite Bonding is a non-invasive procedure that’s pain free with no damage or changes to your natural teeth. It’s a non-permanent treatment that is completely reversible and is used to improve minor imperfections and create a more uniform and whiter smile.
Before applying the composite material, your dentist will clean and prepare the tooth’s outer surface. Preparation is done using an acidic gel which ensures the composite will properly adhere to your natural teeth.
You and your dentist will decide on the perfect colour for your composite to match your existing teeth before treatment begins. You may wish to whiten your natural teeth ahead of your bonding appointment to allow for a brighter and whiter smile. If this is the case, we will provide you with an at home professional whitening kit that can be completed over a period of roughly 14 days.
The composite is then applied to the tooth and the dentist will shape and sculpt to the desired look and it is then hardened with a blue light to set it in place firmly. The composite is polished and perfected, and your new smile is complete!
The composites themselves are all done in one appointment if we can depending on your needs but sometimes you may require more than one appointment, however, we will always book a consultation appointment first.
The great majority of all cases are completely pain-free and without the need for local anaesthetic although a local anaesthetic may be required if your teeth are sensitive or badly broken down. For cases that require tooth adjustment, you will be advised beforehand in the consultation appointment.
The tooth surface is thoroughly cleaned and then prepared with a gel that roughens the surface microscopically. The putty-like composite resin material is then applied using special instruments and brushes to sculpt to the desired shape, often in several layers. Using a special light, the material is then hardened. Further layers can then be added accordingly. The procedure is then completed with smoothing of the tooth surface and polishing.

Frequently Asked Questions
Should I consider any treatments before my teeth are fixed with composite bonding?
In a consultation before the treatment, we would discuss any pre-required treatments such as straightening or whitening your teeth. We would always recommend straightening before the bonding to achieve the best results. Any slight, minor misalignment can be masked with composite. However, it is always advisable to straighten with braces or Invisalign first.
Teeth whitening would also be done prior to composite bonding so the new tooth shade can be matched.
How long does composite bonding last
On average, composite bonding can last up to 10 years, depending on how well an individual takes care of their oral health and dental hygiene.
Is there a minimum amount of teeth required to have composite bonding treatment?
There is no minimum recommendation, however in order to gain optimal aesthetic results, most patients require approximately 8-10 composite restorations. This allows for a more uniform and symmetrical smile.