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Same Day Emergencies


At Cheshire Dental Centre, we understand that experiencing dental pain can have a detrimental effect on all areas of life, so we pride ourselves on being able to help anyone who requires a same-day appointment for new or existing patients. Whether or not your symptoms are consistent with a dental emergency you should contact a dentist for advice.

Call our number – 01270 256426 to speak to a member of our team and get booked in.

What we would consider an emergency

Bleeding from the mouth – if the bleeding is uncontrollable we consider this an emergency and would assign a dentist as soon as possible.

Infection – an abscess in the month is extremely serious and we would need to examine your mouth as soon as possible.

Knocked-out tooth – booking an appointment for tooth loss as close to the incident as possible could avoid the tooth loss permanently.

What we would not consider an emergency

A cracked or chipped tooth is not a dental emergency unless sharp fragments remain in your mouth or you are in severe pain.

Toothache can wait for a general dental appointment when it is not causing severe pain. If you can wait to be seen by a dentist then your toothache may not require an emergency appointment.

A missing crown or filling is not considered a dental emergency however your dentist may see you as a priority and you may be able to be seen sooner than usual.

If you conclude that your situation is not an emergency, you should still contact your dentist.