Porcelain veneers are custom made, ultra-thin shells of tooth-coloured porcelain that are applied to the surface of the teeth. They are used to correct dental issues including worn tooth enamel, uneven tooth alignment or spacing, tooth discolouration, and chips or cracks.

Porcelain veneers mimic the light reflecting properties of natural teeth and the characteristics of tooth enamel incredibly well, as they can be made very thin and translucent. They will not damage your natural tooth underneath and ensure the longevity of tooth restorations.

Porcelain veneers are usually applied to 4-6 teeth for consistency, thereby approving the shape and symmetry of your smile.


Careful planning is provided, along with extensive discussions to understand our patient's needs and expectations with their veneers.

Generally, porcelain veneers require two dentist visits after your consultation. The first will be to consult the teeth’s condition if any minor adjustments, shaping or whitening is required and the following appointment will be to apply these natural-looking restorations to the teeth.

Your dentist will make an impression of your teeth, from which a mould of your mouth will be made, we will decide on the size, shape, colour and design of the porcelain veneers. This impression may be sent to a dental laboratory where the veneers will be professionally fabricated.

It can be advised to whiten your teeth before this procedure so that our experts help you choose the colour of your porcelain veneers. This can help to ensure the best and most satisfying final results.

After this treatment, there will likely be some sensitivity to hot and cold food and beverages for a short time due to having a thin layer of enamel removed. This should disappear in a few days. Avoiding hot and cold foods is recommended for the first few days to allow the veneers to settle.


Veneers (per tooth): From £695

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